John made it through the fist three days of First Grade in one piece and so did mom and Scott for that matter. He started back to school on Wednesday and was there all day. We had a busy day so it went by pretty quickly. He said it was good and he even earned a High Five.
That night after dinner he called my mom and dad to tell them how his first day went. When they asked him what his teacher was like he said, "well she has blond hair, some cracks on her face and a black dress." I'm guessing that after teaching first graders for 35 years you earn a few cracks in you face. She is a great teacher, and puts up with very little nonsense in her classroom. John will thrive I'm sure.
Scott missed him a lot but is gearing up to start preschool on Tuesday. I'm not sure I'm going to know what to do with a couple of hours of free time two days a week, but I'm sure I can figure something out to do with myself.
I'm getting ready to paint the living room, kitchen and guest bathroom so I'm sure I will be busy as ever.