Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Until it wasn't

I know it has been a couple of days since I posted. I've been busy trying to get the house nicely organized before the first day of school. Why? I don't know. I had all summer but now that tomorrow is the first day I feel the push to get it done.

We did enjoy a day at the practice fields on Saturday for Bobcat Football Family Fun Day. All in all is was a lot of fun right up until it wasn't. See, Scotty had been ill for a few days but I thought he was better. So we loaded up and headed to our friends house so we could all ride together in her car. After getting there and letting the kids jump and run around on the inflatables we headed over for our free ice cream sunday and Gatorade. Then on to stand in line and have the football team sign our posters. Still having fun we headed back to the bouncy things. After another trip through the bounce house Scott is ready to go. Like right now ready to go.

I'm sure you have been reading this and can figure out how all the details when put together would create a not fun incident but if not I will highlight them for you:

1. Scotty had been ill, but "I thought" he was better

2. Headed to the practice fields(read no shade)

3. Someone else drove

4. Jumping and running around on the inflatables

5. Free Ice cream sunday

6. Standing in line

7. More jumping and running

8. Ready to go NOW!

I will spare you all the details that come next. But it was definitely not fun or pretty. A change of clothes was in order for him and we had to throw his rocket underwear away much to his dismay. Thankfully I had snagged a free t-shirt that I could dress him in until we got home.

On the bright note like I said it "was fun" right up until it wasn't and the boys got to meet the new and improved "Champ".

1 comment:

Carrie said...

First, I think you're banging out the posts, so don't worry about a few days!

Second, oh Lordy, I am not looking forward to all of those big kid body functions! Urf...