Thursday, June 28, 2007
Not much to say today. It is getting warm summer must be in full swing. It is supposed to be 95 today. I know other places are hotter, and more humid; but 95 is still dang hot for us. I'm not sure how we are going to beat the heat tonight. Maybe head to the country and go fishing. It makes me laugh so say head to the country since we live in Montana and most of our subdivision that we now live in used to be "the country" when I was attending MSU. Anywhooooo, like I said not much to say today.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Time Flies...
WOW! It has been 3 weeks since my last post. I can't imagine where the time has gone but I do know I won't get it back.
Things happen every day and I say to myself I need to blog this but then I don't. So I will try and catch up a little now.
Last night was hubby's bank pic-nic. It was pretty nice too bad it rained but at least it wasn't like a 100 degrees or anything. The boys were good considering they were the ONLY kids there. Johnny introduced himself to everyone there. He told me so, "Mom, I introduced myself to everybody, so they would know my name." Go Johnny.
Speaking of Johnny he turned Five on the 5th of June and it was a grand day. It's like 5 is a magical number and now he can do all the things he couldn't do when he was 4. He got and poured his own juice that morning. When I was telling my friend about it he piped up and said, " Yep, I'm 5 now. I was 4 but now I'm 5. When I was 4 I was learning to be 5" very well put I think.

All in all turning 5 was a success. He was happy to get to have two parties one with Maga and Papa and one at home with his favorite person. Uncle Dusty. This is the man who he thinks hung the moon. Dad's best friend and a rancher he has never missed one of John's "important" events. I bring this up because short of the actual BIRTHday he has been at all of John's birthday's and his baby luau. Plus he came to John's Poopin' in the Potty Party, and ate Cookie Monster cake that turned your mouth blue. He is a great guy and I'm so happy he is in John and Scott's life.
This is the a for mentioned "Uncle" Dusty fixing my tire on the way to my mom and dad's the first weekend in June. It just so happened that he was in the town were we now live so we all had lunch together and then the boys and I headed for Mom and Dad's and husband went back to work. Well about 20 miles into my trip I got a flat tire. Knowing that Dusty wasn't far behind I called him and he rescued me. So I guess I'm not only happy he is in John and Scott's life I'm pretty darn happy to know him too. This picture is taken on the side of the interstate and it is busy Friday afternoon and fairly warm. He didn't even complain once. What a guy. Husband did end up helping him brand the next day but hey that is fun for him so it was all good.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Dinner time battles.
I don't fully understand why it is that when a boy hits a certain point some time during his third year that he decides that food is irrelevant to survival and would rather just drink milk and eat the occasional Popsicle. But I do know that we went through it with John and now we are going through it with Scott.
Scott is also way more stubborn than John so dinner time turns into a battle of the wills between him and his father. Most dinner conversations go like this lately.
Dad: "Scott, Eat"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scotty have just 3 bites"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scott if you don't eat any dinner you are going to have to go straight to bed"
at which point he will usually have a bite of food but only after I have put it on the fork for him. And around and around we go until dinner is finally over. Well the other night we had a change in the dialogue. It went something like this...
Dad: "Scott, Eat"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scotty have 3 bites"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scott look you have a bite right there on your fork just pick it up and eat it"
Scott: "Oh yeah, Well you have Bunny Ears"
Dad: speechless
Mom: laughing so hard she about fell out of her chair
This is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. Such a totally random thing to say; as Brent doesn't have bunny ears and his hair doesn't poke up to look like bunny ears either. We don't know where it came from, but needless to say the dinner battle was diffused. Scott did end up eating dinner and Dad couldn't come up with a good comeback to that one; and just sat there laughing with a totally bewildered look on his face.
So this now has become our standard comeback in our house. Yeah, well you have bunny ears.
Scott is also way more stubborn than John so dinner time turns into a battle of the wills between him and his father. Most dinner conversations go like this lately.
Dad: "Scott, Eat"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scotty have just 3 bites"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scott if you don't eat any dinner you are going to have to go straight to bed"
at which point he will usually have a bite of food but only after I have put it on the fork for him. And around and around we go until dinner is finally over. Well the other night we had a change in the dialogue. It went something like this...
Dad: "Scott, Eat"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scotty have 3 bites"
Scott: "I can't"
Dad: "Scott look you have a bite right there on your fork just pick it up and eat it"
Scott: "Oh yeah, Well you have Bunny Ears"
Dad: speechless
Mom: laughing so hard she about fell out of her chair
This is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile. Such a totally random thing to say; as Brent doesn't have bunny ears and his hair doesn't poke up to look like bunny ears either. We don't know where it came from, but needless to say the dinner battle was diffused. Scott did end up eating dinner and Dad couldn't come up with a good comeback to that one; and just sat there laughing with a totally bewildered look on his face.
So this now has become our standard comeback in our house. Yeah, well you have bunny ears.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Music for the Kid-O's
I love to hear the voices of my little boys when they sing. I like it when they make up there own songs and I love to hear them sing along in the car. So imagine my excitement to find Steph, over at Adventures in Baby Wearing is having yet another great contest.
This one is for a really fun CD called Soundzania you can go and listen to a few samples for yourself. The boys and I really like Pajamas the best, but they were all fun. The band hopes this album will bring giggles and snoozes to your family as well.
This one is for a really fun CD called Soundzania you can go and listen to a few samples for yourself. The boys and I really like Pajamas the best, but they were all fun. The band hopes this album will bring giggles and snoozes to your family as well.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
I can see the light.
Literally, I can see the light. The sun is coming out from behind the rain clouds and is reflecting off the back fence. Now this isn't such a big deal except it seems like it has been raining forever and I was beginning to wonder if indeed it would ever be sunny again.
Now I know that if I were truly a good little Montanan I would say something about needing the moisture and all that but quite honestly I'm sick of rain. And if you get a whole bunch of rain in the spring and then none the rest of the summer all you get is whole bunch of really long dried up grass that will burn quite nicely the first lighting strike that hits it.
So I'm happy to see the light and am quietly praying that it stays nice for a few days. The Governors Cup race is this coming Saturday and it will be nice to have sunny weather for that. I did manage to sign myself up for the 10k race. Not to sure what a wise choice that was considering my performance in the Race for The Cure, but at least going into this race I will have actually been out running some before the actual race day. Nice little vacation I took, all the while blaming it on weather and the move.
The boys are sick of being cooped up inside and I'm tired of the mess two little boys can make when cooped up inside for a few days. The dog is bored and just wants to go roll in the grass but hates to end up soaking wet and muddy so she just runs out fast then turns around and looks at me like what the heck is this. RAIN! I don't like rain can't you do something about this PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE. Then she comes back inside and fallows me around until I decide where I'm going to be for a few minutes and that is were she will park herself. Needless to say we are all getting one heck of a case of cabin fever.
But we can see the light and soon we will be out soaking up all the Vitamin D we can and hopefully that will carry us through our next rainy patch.
Now I know that if I were truly a good little Montanan I would say something about needing the moisture and all that but quite honestly I'm sick of rain. And if you get a whole bunch of rain in the spring and then none the rest of the summer all you get is whole bunch of really long dried up grass that will burn quite nicely the first lighting strike that hits it.
So I'm happy to see the light and am quietly praying that it stays nice for a few days. The Governors Cup race is this coming Saturday and it will be nice to have sunny weather for that. I did manage to sign myself up for the 10k race. Not to sure what a wise choice that was considering my performance in the Race for The Cure, but at least going into this race I will have actually been out running some before the actual race day. Nice little vacation I took, all the while blaming it on weather and the move.
The boys are sick of being cooped up inside and I'm tired of the mess two little boys can make when cooped up inside for a few days. The dog is bored and just wants to go roll in the grass but hates to end up soaking wet and muddy so she just runs out fast then turns around and looks at me like what the heck is this. RAIN! I don't like rain can't you do something about this PLEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEE. Then she comes back inside and fallows me around until I decide where I'm going to be for a few minutes and that is were she will park herself. Needless to say we are all getting one heck of a case of cabin fever.
But we can see the light and soon we will be out soaking up all the Vitamin D we can and hopefully that will carry us through our next rainy patch.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Little Boys and Boxes
What is it about the cardboard box that makes it such a great "toy"? I don't know if this is a question that can ever be answered as there are so many different ways to answer. But one thing I do know for sure is that my boys love and I mean LOVE to play with boxes. Having just completed a move a few months ago we have had many a box grace our living room floor. They have been houses, cars, airplane, spaceships, jails, caves, tents, sleds(as in Santa) and a whole mass of other "things". I'm always a little sad to see the current box of the moment bite the dust but eventually they all do. I also have to laugh at myself when I hear myself say "Go play in your box, before I throw it away"
My oldest will turn 5 next week and I'm faced with what to do for his birthday and it always hits me that probably the thing he would like most would be a cardboard box, a roll of tape some string and a flashlight. Then all would be right with the world. But we all know that as mom we won't do that so I guess I'm off to Target. We shall see what I turn up with I have a few ideas but getting past the thought of another toy being lost at the bottom of the toy box may prevent even my best attempts at birthday satisfaction. If all else fails I know where I can get a cardboard box.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
I forgot to show you what I would buy if I won Steph's contest for the Cheeky Jewelry along with the $25 gift certificate. So here are some of the things I have my eye on. This, or maybe I would like this more. Oh and I really like these. So there you have it, I would have some decision making to do.
Okay! It is plain that I am very very new to this whole blogging adventure but I have been lured in by some of these contests I have seen on other blogs and I just can't help myself I have to enter. The prizes are just AWESOME.
Steph over at Adventures in Baby Wearing; is having this great contest for some earrings and a $25 gift certificate from Cheeky Jewelry. I love earrings and I probably wouldn't have even known about Cheeky Jewelry if it wasn't for this contest so I'm entering.
Then there is another contest over at Pinks and Blues for a Dooney and Bourke handbag with some Victoria's Secret Perfume throw in just to sweeten the deal. How awesome is that? I also discovered the Pinks and Blues site because of Steph. She is fast becoming my very own source for really awesome mommy stuff. I love Dooney and Bourke handbags and I have really been wanting one for sometime (hint hint) and so of course I could not help but enter this contest it is just too awesome not to.
Which finally leads me to my question. How do these ladies get these awesome things to give away in the fun contests? I'm so new to this whole thing I just don't know. If someone knows and wouldn't mind explaining it to me that would be great I'm just wondering.
Thank gals for the fun contests and pulling my into the blogging fun.
Steph over at Adventures in Baby Wearing; is having this great contest for some earrings and a $25 gift certificate from Cheeky Jewelry. I love earrings and I probably wouldn't have even known about Cheeky Jewelry if it wasn't for this contest so I'm entering.
Then there is another contest over at Pinks and Blues for a Dooney and Bourke handbag with some Victoria's Secret Perfume throw in just to sweeten the deal. How awesome is that? I also discovered the Pinks and Blues site because of Steph. She is fast becoming my very own source for really awesome mommy stuff. I love Dooney and Bourke handbags and I have really been wanting one for sometime (hint hint) and so of course I could not help but enter this contest it is just too awesome not to.
Which finally leads me to my question. How do these ladies get these awesome things to give away in the fun contests? I'm so new to this whole thing I just don't know. If someone knows and wouldn't mind explaining it to me that would be great I'm just wondering.
Thank gals for the fun contests and pulling my into the blogging fun.
Catching up...
It has been awhile since I've actually posted anything on my blog. Sometimes it is just more fun to read about other than try to put my life into words. It is all just so very random.
Since my last post life has been moving along at a frenzied pace. The boys seem like they get noticeably more grown up everyday. They are both getting to be such nice boys, however I miss the "littleness". I'm glad Scotty still has some of that left for a bit anyway.
I ran the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on the 20th. My time was a bit slower than I wanted; it was a good wake up call for me to get back to running after my little mini vacation from the activity. It was a perfect day for the race and the turn out was great about 4000 in body or spirit raced. They had all sorts of vendors there giving away all sorts of cool things. Ford was there with their Ford Cares Warrior Scarves. New Balance was there with their laces and pin not to mention a great give away. Coldwater Creek had a booth set up also with some really neat things however the line was large and I wanted to get to the starting line so I did not check it out up close. The best thing I got at the race aside from the feeling of gratefulness for a healthy body was this really awesome key chain. From the I AM THE CURE booth. The circles on the key chain represent the average size lumps detected in different methods of examination. The largest circle being about the size of a 50 cent piece and representing the average size lump found by accident. It really drove the point home of how very important early detection is.
Since my last post life has been moving along at a frenzied pace. The boys seem like they get noticeably more grown up everyday. They are both getting to be such nice boys, however I miss the "littleness". I'm glad Scotty still has some of that left for a bit anyway.
I ran the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure on the 20th. My time was a bit slower than I wanted; it was a good wake up call for me to get back to running after my little mini vacation from the activity. It was a perfect day for the race and the turn out was great about 4000 in body or spirit raced. They had all sorts of vendors there giving away all sorts of cool things. Ford was there with their Ford Cares Warrior Scarves. New Balance was there with their laces and pin not to mention a great give away. Coldwater Creek had a booth set up also with some really neat things however the line was large and I wanted to get to the starting line so I did not check it out up close. The best thing I got at the race aside from the feeling of gratefulness for a healthy body was this really awesome key chain. From the I AM THE CURE booth. The circles on the key chain represent the average size lumps detected in different methods of examination. The largest circle being about the size of a 50 cent piece and representing the average size lump found by accident. It really drove the point home of how very important early detection is.
After the race I came home and putting a regular running schedule into place and I have stuck to it, it really feels good to be back at it and my body is responding well. Kind of like well what took you so long.
Next weekend is another race and I'm entered into the 10k and looking very forward to it, I will post more about it later right now I have to go and help the bigger boy get a game going before he completely falls apart. Bye for now.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Awareness in my house.
Awareness. That is the random thought on my mind this morning. On Saturday I'm going to Run the 5K in our Race for the Cure. Which got me thinking about Breast Cancer Awareness and then Women's Health Awareness, then I moved on to Family Health Awareness. Is there such a thing?
Is there a site dedicated to raising the awareness about how important it is for total family health? I also wonder about little boys. I see all sorts of advertising campaigns and such aimed at raising the self esteem of little girls and I have NO problem with them; I think they are great.
I just wonder about the little boys. I will admit that as a mother of two little boys and no girls it matters more to me than I guess if I had daughters. I'm just wondering if that is what Little League and Pee-wee football are supposed to do. I just don't know. What I do know is that boys need to know what it is to be a "good guy". There are so many questionable role models available that as boys get older it is difficult to sort through all the characters created for kids and find one to be comfortable with. Even characters that aren't created for little kids that just end up being in front of them in the media and such. Athletes, entertainers, and the like. These people didn't ask to be any one's role model yet here they are being watched with big eyes and sponge like brains. Sheesh, I see it even in the peers of my husband and mine. My boys adore all of their surrogate "uncles" sometimes I will hear them say something or see them do something and when asked about it they will answer that is what Uncle So and So does or says.
I remember a couple of years ago there were these commercials on TV with all sorts of "famous" men talking about speaking out until there was an end to violence against women. And about teaching boys how to treat others. Those were great commercials. Wonder where they went.
Anyhow, Awareness is on my brain this morning. I want to raise the awareness in my home about health for everyone, Mom, Dad and boys. I want to Raise caring, strong boys that will turn into men that any mother would be comfortable to have as a role model for their little sponges. So off I go to figure out how to do that. Ha!
Is there a site dedicated to raising the awareness about how important it is for total family health? I also wonder about little boys. I see all sorts of advertising campaigns and such aimed at raising the self esteem of little girls and I have NO problem with them; I think they are great.
I just wonder about the little boys. I will admit that as a mother of two little boys and no girls it matters more to me than I guess if I had daughters. I'm just wondering if that is what Little League and Pee-wee football are supposed to do. I just don't know. What I do know is that boys need to know what it is to be a "good guy". There are so many questionable role models available that as boys get older it is difficult to sort through all the characters created for kids and find one to be comfortable with. Even characters that aren't created for little kids that just end up being in front of them in the media and such. Athletes, entertainers, and the like. These people didn't ask to be any one's role model yet here they are being watched with big eyes and sponge like brains. Sheesh, I see it even in the peers of my husband and mine. My boys adore all of their surrogate "uncles" sometimes I will hear them say something or see them do something and when asked about it they will answer that is what Uncle So and So does or says.
I remember a couple of years ago there were these commercials on TV with all sorts of "famous" men talking about speaking out until there was an end to violence against women. And about teaching boys how to treat others. Those were great commercials. Wonder where they went.
Anyhow, Awareness is on my brain this morning. I want to raise the awareness in my home about health for everyone, Mom, Dad and boys. I want to Raise caring, strong boys that will turn into men that any mother would be comfortable to have as a role model for their little sponges. So off I go to figure out how to do that. Ha!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Blog Issues and Superman.
I have been having "blog" issues lately. Seems that I feel like everything I write needs to be funny or smart or offer something to the reader. Also afraid I'm going to do "it" wrong whatever that is. So I haven't posted anything, and am in danger of becoming a lost blog.
I have decided to get over it.
Today is another wonderful beautiful day. Don't know what it holds in store for us; so far Scott isn't in a very cooperative mood but that is generally the case he is 3 you know. These days I feel like I'm in training to be a negotiator, except I'm the one be held hostage. I know that this is a growing stage and I remember when John went through it so I know that it is going to get better but man oh man 3 can be trying. The other side of that is that there is just nothing cuter then most 3 year olds. He can make me laugh a lot and he still likes to be snuggled once in awhile.
Also, most days he can be found wearing a cape. And will only answer to the name of Superman. Don't try to call him anything else because he won't answer or he will correct you until you call him by the right name. This is not a new thing he was Obi Wan Kanobi for most of December and January and February. So now instead of a Light saber going everywhere he just wears his cape. We had to wash it yesterday as it got peed on. I bet Superman never really peed on his cape, but then I bet he didn't really wear his cape when he was 3; and as anyone who has a 3 year old boy can tell you all sorts of things happen that you could never imagine.
So now I'm off to figure out what in the world we are going to do today to entertain the hooligans and figure out what needs to happen to get superman to eat his breakfast that is still sitting untouched. Have a great Thursday.
I have decided to get over it.
Today is another wonderful beautiful day. Don't know what it holds in store for us; so far Scott isn't in a very cooperative mood but that is generally the case he is 3 you know. These days I feel like I'm in training to be a negotiator, except I'm the one be held hostage. I know that this is a growing stage and I remember when John went through it so I know that it is going to get better but man oh man 3 can be trying. The other side of that is that there is just nothing cuter then most 3 year olds. He can make me laugh a lot and he still likes to be snuggled once in awhile.
Also, most days he can be found wearing a cape. And will only answer to the name of Superman. Don't try to call him anything else because he won't answer or he will correct you until you call him by the right name. This is not a new thing he was Obi Wan Kanobi for most of December and January and February. So now instead of a Light saber going everywhere he just wears his cape. We had to wash it yesterday as it got peed on. I bet Superman never really peed on his cape, but then I bet he didn't really wear his cape when he was 3; and as anyone who has a 3 year old boy can tell you all sorts of things happen that you could never imagine.
So now I'm off to figure out what in the world we are going to do today to entertain the hooligans and figure out what needs to happen to get superman to eat his breakfast that is still sitting untouched. Have a great Thursday.
Friday, May 4, 2007
I feel it in my heart...
Yesterday Star Wars made it's way back into our lives. I thought that we were starting to phase out of the all consuming Jedi stage but no we were just on a brief sabbatical.
Anyhow, there has been lots of talking about why did Anakin turn to the dark side and all. The best way I have found to explain it, is that he feels anger in his heart and can't let it go and that anger turns into hate and that lets the dark side in.
So yesterday I hear the younger Jedi crying and saying " I don't want to be a bad guy" and the older Jedi comes to me and says "Mom, I feel it in my heart. Scott is turning into a bad guy." I answer "No, Scott is not turning into a day guy", to which his reply is "Yes, I feel it in my heart he is turning into a bad guy.... but don't worry we are just pretending."
This is just to funny to me. So the Jedi's are back and who know how long they will stay this time. Until then I guess we will just have to use the Force and fight the Dark Side.
Anyhow, there has been lots of talking about why did Anakin turn to the dark side and all. The best way I have found to explain it, is that he feels anger in his heart and can't let it go and that anger turns into hate and that lets the dark side in.
So yesterday I hear the younger Jedi crying and saying " I don't want to be a bad guy" and the older Jedi comes to me and says "Mom, I feel it in my heart. Scott is turning into a bad guy." I answer "No, Scott is not turning into a day guy", to which his reply is "Yes, I feel it in my heart he is turning into a bad guy.... but don't worry we are just pretending."
This is just to funny to me. So the Jedi's are back and who know how long they will stay this time. Until then I guess we will just have to use the Force and fight the Dark Side.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
My first time...
Okay I have officially jumped in with both feet and started a blog.
Why? Well after a few mornings of lurking around other Mommy blogs I became inspired. Not to mention sometimes thoughts just enter my mommy brain and I want to share them but they are just lost on my almost 5 and 3 year old boys.
Example, I get a great amount of pleasure in listening to the rain outside while staying snuggled into my nice warm bed. This is lost on my boys as they are up and out of bed as soon as their little eyes pop open in the morning. Why would anyone want to lay in bed, stay still and of all things listen to the rain. Rain, it doesn't say anything and it really doesn't even make that much noise unless you listen really hard. Besides that they had laser beans to make. Yes, I know you think that was a typo but no they really had to get up and make laser beans. I asked if they meant laser beams, but Poppy Seed #1 aka the bug, informed me that indeed he meant laser bean, you know that thing that if you walk through it you will set off an alarm.
So with that we were up and starting our day; and here I am starting my very own blog to share my randomness with and once and awhile share a pic or two of the Poppy Seed Family. Hope all who should stumble across this blog get a smile or at least a bit of enjoyment from reading it and the rest who know me will enjoy the pictures and hearing about our little life here in the Bo-Zone.
Why? Well after a few mornings of lurking around other Mommy blogs I became inspired. Not to mention sometimes thoughts just enter my mommy brain and I want to share them but they are just lost on my almost 5 and 3 year old boys.
Example, I get a great amount of pleasure in listening to the rain outside while staying snuggled into my nice warm bed. This is lost on my boys as they are up and out of bed as soon as their little eyes pop open in the morning. Why would anyone want to lay in bed, stay still and of all things listen to the rain. Rain, it doesn't say anything and it really doesn't even make that much noise unless you listen really hard. Besides that they had laser beans to make. Yes, I know you think that was a typo but no they really had to get up and make laser beans. I asked if they meant laser beams, but Poppy Seed #1 aka the bug, informed me that indeed he meant laser bean, you know that thing that if you walk through it you will set off an alarm.
So with that we were up and starting our day; and here I am starting my very own blog to share my randomness with and once and awhile share a pic or two of the Poppy Seed Family. Hope all who should stumble across this blog get a smile or at least a bit of enjoyment from reading it and the rest who know me will enjoy the pictures and hearing about our little life here in the Bo-Zone.
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