Monday, May 28, 2007

Little Boys and Boxes

What is it about the cardboard box that makes it such a great "toy"? I don't know if this is a question that can ever be answered as there are so many different ways to answer. But one thing I do know for sure is that my boys love and I mean LOVE to play with boxes. Having just completed a move a few months ago we have had many a box grace our living room floor. They have been houses, cars, airplane, spaceships, jails, caves, tents, sleds(as in Santa) and a whole mass of other "things". I'm always a little sad to see the current box of the moment bite the dust but eventually they all do. I also have to laugh at myself when I hear myself say "Go play in your box, before I throw it away"

My oldest will turn 5 next week and I'm faced with what to do for his birthday and it always hits me that probably the thing he would like most would be a cardboard box, a roll of tape some string and a flashlight. Then all would be right with the world. But we all know that as mom we won't do that so I guess I'm off to Target. We shall see what I turn up with I have a few ideas but getting past the thought of another toy being lost at the bottom of the toy box may prevent even my best attempts at birthday satisfaction. If all else fails I know where I can get a cardboard box.

1 comment:

Kailani said...

My daughter is the same way. I spent so much money on a Disney Princess Vanity Table and all she really wanted was to turn the box into a clubhouse. Silly kids! LOL!

An Island Life